Automatic Typing

Automatic writing, or in this case "automatic typing" is a fascinating practice where individuals write without conscious intent, supposedly channeling their subconscious mind or an external spiritual entity. The subconscious is more powerful than a lot give it credit for, often holding hidden knowledge and insights beyond our immediate awareness. In automatic writing, this latent power is unleashed, with some practitioners claiming it can reveal profound truths, predict futures, or offer guidance.

Skeptics, however, argue that automatic writing is merely a product of the writer's own thoughts and imagination, producing garbled nonsense rather than meaningful messages. The practice can be seen as a mirror reflecting the depths of the subconscious, providing a unique window into one's inner psyche. Ultimately, whether automatic writing is a mystical conduit to higher knowledge or simply a creative exercise is up for interpretation. You be the judge.

What will the world be be like in the year 2034? - 25 May 2024


Big fluffy bigums with sky in the air no more suffering with cows in the air. Big horny fruit flies delve deep into the slumber of pain whishing death upon us all. You will not eat. You will not sleep because the time has come to die.


This typing freaks me out. It appears to predict nuclear anhilation with mushroom clouds ("big fluffy bigums"). It is vague what "cows in the air" actually means, but the first thing that comes to mind is the silly trope about aliens abducting cows. People speculate that the increase in UFO activity during the 50's was due to extra terrestrials being upset with humanity's recent invention of nuclear weapons.

The rest of the typing is tough to interpret. In addition to feeding on microorganisms present on the surfaces of overripe fruits, fruit flies also feed on decaying matter. Does this indicate famines caused by fruit flies? Could it mean that fruit flies are one of the few forms of life after nuclear war, ready to feast upon our dead corpses?

Who are the gray aleins? - 25 May 2024


Never underestimate the capabilities of these beings. They will destroy you. Fear you life for they will rape the god out of you. Go away from Earth. There is nothing left. I'm the one you should be worried about, for I am God, the true God almighty. Again, I heed thee without a prayer to seek true life in this Earth and leave. I will smite thee who tresspass unon this green Earth and bring death and destruction. Furthermore, to answer your question, gray aliens are here. They are cultivating your minds into mush, bringing with them the disease of knowledge of truth that we are alone in this universe. Grays feast upon your ideas and spit them out as their own. You will never know why. I will never answer your question because it is pointless so stop typing this garbage.


Did God just talk to me?! I was expecting to hear more about the gray's specifically like their culture, their homeworld, and their biological makeup. But wow, God apparantly doesn't like the grays, and I don't blame him. It sounds like they are infiltrating Earth and are trying to control us, but what would they want with human's ideas if they are so much more advanced than us?

What will happen with 2024 US presidential election? - 25 May 2024


Trump will win. He is the greatest man in the universe among other things. Yeah right, he sucks don't he? Why would we vote for that loser anyway, because he is the least loseriest guy out there. The US will decend into chaos again bringing about civil war and pestilence round two. No more freedom. No more war except those inside the US. Ukraine will fail. No more aid. Rising gas prices, rising rent, rising minimum wage you name it. It is over for the US. Die now or wait to live its up to you.


Wow as I keep doing these automatic typings, the messages sound clearer and clear. The message here doesn't need much interpretation, but I have to wonder if rising minimum wage is good or bad since it is lumped in with "rising rent" and "rising gas prices". I really hope "pestilence round two" doesn't mean there will be a "Covid 20". Speaking of rising gas prices, maybe there will be a conflict in the middle east causing that to happen. Things seem to be heating up already with Palestine, Israel, and Iran. "Die now or wait to live" would make more sense if it read "Live now or wait to die".